What makes RadioMom 91.1/91.5 FM different from other radio stations?
- RadioMom keeps you informed of the local news that affects our community & county.
- In-depth coverage of all local high school sports. Broadcasting Boone County high school basketball & football games. The final scores…who won & who lost.
- Informative & entertaining daily: 60-second features such as Kramer Lumber’s “On the House” featuring home improvement & remodeling tips by the Carey Brothers, and the Lebanon 7 “New Movie Preview” featuring the latest films from Hollywood.
- The RadioMom Office Patrol. When we catch you listening to RadioMom at work, you win lunch for yourself & all of your co-workers courtesy of Papa John’s Pizza & RadioMom.
Why market your business on RadioMom?
- RadioMom has and continues to show a dramatic growth in listeners since changing formats on Mother’s Day, 2003. In our first audience rating period under our new format, RadioMom was credited with reaching 7,400* persons in Boone County and the adjacent areas. Since those ratings were taken RadioMom’s number of weekly listeners has remained steady.
- With RadioMom, your underwriting dollars will be reaching and cost effectively a greater number of people in your primary marketing area. This means no waste in your marketing dollars due to RadioMom’s concentration in & around Boone County.
- Playing today’s Hit Music as well as a mix from the 80’s and 90’s from both new & classic artists keep our listeners tuned in at home, at work & in the car.
- Local news, high school sports, weather & more keeps our listeners, your potential customers, informed & in tune with our community.
- Fun & exciting promotions that keep our audience listening & growing, like the RadioMom Office Patrol: RadioMom drops in on local businesses to see if they’re listening to RadioMom at work. We have found that most Lebanon businesses are listening to their Mom. When we catch them, they get a free lunch from Papa John’s Pizza.