FRANKFORT, Ind. – The City of Frankfort has announced a total of twenty-three projects will be completed during 2022 using a combination of local funds and funding awarded through Indiana’s Next Level Roads: Community Crossings matching grant.
Mayor Judy Sheets, Board of Public Works members, and Street Superintendent Jason Forsythe approved the total of $912,716.72 for 2022. The following paving projects will begin at the end of March or the beginning of April (weather permitting):
+ Monon Street from Washington to Clinton Street
+ Williams Road from Wabash Street to Forest Drive
+ Freeman Street from Jackson Street to 5th Street
+ 4th Street from Freeman to Short 4th Street
+ 4th Street from Walnut to Armstrong
+ Outer Drive from Crescent to Clinton Street
+ Hawthorne Avenue from Barner to Kyger
+ Rowe Street from Rossville Avenue to Paris Street
+ Morrison Street from Pratt to Myrtle
+ Sims Street from Washington to East McClurg
+ East McClurg Street from Sims to Clay Street
+ East Paris Street from Jackson Street to Clay Street
+ Vermont Street (off Williams Street, runs in front of Indiana Packers)
+ Harrison Street from Walnut to South Street
+ Jefferson Street from Main to Railroad
+ Harrison Street from Kyger to Green Street
+ McKinley Avenue from Walnut to Frankfort Truck and Car
+ Short Myrtle from McKinley to Walnut
+ Boomer Street from McKinley to Walnut
+ Calloway Avenue from McKinley to Walnut
+ Eastwood Drive from Harvard to Dead End South of Harvard
+ Indiana Street from 3rd Street to 2nd Street
+ Aughe Street from Washington to Clinton Street
“I appreciate everything that Jason Forsythe has done for the City and the Street Department. Because of his efforts, we have been able to save the City of Frankfort thousands of dollars and was able to pave more roadways,” stated Mayor Sheets. “The Community Crossing matching grant has played an important part in our infrastructure and helped us maintain our roads over the past few years. Thank you Jason.”
Reith Riley was awarded Frankfort’s paving projects at the December 30, 2021 Board of Public Works Meeting. To see how the cost per project has been broken down, please visit The City of Frankfort’s website.
“I want to personally thank Mayor Sheets, Board of Public Works, as well as City Council for their time and appropriating funds for us to use towards the application for these 23 projects. All of the roadways listed were considered 2-rated roads on the Paser Scale as part of the City of Frankfort Asset Management Plan – required for the grant process. A ten on the Paser Scale is equivalent to the revitalized Washington Avenue and zero is considered the worst,” add Jason Forsythe.