The City of Lebanon is “Calling All Creatives” to a pair of citywide callouts to discuss increasing the importance of arts & culture citywide, and the possibility of creating either a Culture District or Cultural Trail within the Lebanon community. Traditionally known as “the arts,” ‘Creatives’ are defined as “those who see the world a little differently than others.”
“We welcome ‘Creatives’ from all avenues,” said Community Development Director Joe LePage. “Painters and performers, as well as artisans of all ages and skill sets are welcomed to attend. We want creative idea people, too! We want everyone’s input and direction on how to increase the ‘Creative’ footprint in our city.”
Along with the networking aspect, an important goal of the Callouts will be to solidify a group of citizens to help lay the groundwork to create either a Cultural District or Cultural Trail within the city limits.
“It is exciting for me to have the opportunity to help plan an event like this,” said Lebanon Community Development Intern Riley Jump. “As a Lebanon senior, it’s inspiring to be part of laying a foundation, where adults and young people can share their talents and passions.”
The City of Lebanon has been working with the Indiana Arts Commission and traveling through the organization’s Creative Community Pathway towards the establishment of a Cultural District or Cultural Trail.
“The Indiana Arts Commission has been instrumental in the growth of our City’s artistic expression,” added LePage. “The IAC is supplying the knowledge, expertise, and grant funding to help make Lebanon’s goals achievable.”
The Community Creatives Callouts are free to attend and will be held on Wednesday, February 9th, and Thursday, March 10th from 6pm-8pm at The Craft Room located at 117 North Meridian Street.