The Flora Community Club hosts their first annual Pork Pull – tractor and truck pull – Saturday next to Flora park on the edge of town in Carroll County.
Diesel Truck Drags check in is at 9 am, drags start at 10 am. Indiana Garden Tractor Pull (IGTPA) cheks in at 2 pm and the pull starts at 3 pm.
Evening pulls include IPL Diesel Trucks with a checkin at 4 pm; IPL Sanctioned Tractor Classes at 6:30 pm (9500 lb Altered Farm, 9500 lb Hot Farm).; 4WD Diesel Trucks (must have solid receivers or one will be provided) 8 pm; plus numerous 4WD Diesel Truck Classes.
General admission $5.00 per person (Children under 12 fee with adult) and Pit Passes $10.00. FREE Parking. Carroll FFA will be selling Lemon Shakeups, concessions feature pork products and Flora lions will sell their famous ice cream.
The first annual Pork Pull is located in Flora (Carroll County) at 908 East Columbia Street, Highway 18 on the East edge of Flora, Indiana next to the Fairgrounds.
Registration details at 765-586-2819. Tickets at the door OR contact RadioMom for limited FREE passes at 765-482-4427 by 3 pm Friday!