The next time the doors to the Red Barn Summer Theatre open, they will have a new look in the lobby area thanks to donations from long-time patrons, former company members and supporters of the Arts in Clinton County. Last Fall the Marketing Committee of On-Stage Foundation and the Red Barn Summer Theatre staged a fund-raising drive. For one month, they offered Red Barn t-shirts to supporters who would donate twenty-five dollars. The fund drive was an overwhelming success. “We were truly overwhelmed by the response,” said Bethany Sheets, Community Outreach Manager of the Barn. “In a year filled with uncertainty, to have this many people step up to support the Barn is humbling, and we are filled with gratitude.”
The Marketing Committee told donors that they would be informed on what project the t-shirt funds would be applied. This week the decision was made to apply the t-shirt funds to the concrete lobby floor to be torn out and replaced. Michael Taylor, Artistic Director of the Red Barn said, “The lobby concrete is the original floor of a one-hundred-year-old barn. There’s a fairly substantial crack running north and south from the entrance to the restrooms. When deciding on what needed work the most, we realized that the entrance area and the safety of our patrons, was most important.” Sheets concluded, “We owe a sincere debt of gratitude to the wonderful patrons and Red Barn alumni who donated to this project.”