On the Saturday prior to the Red Barn opening, Saturday, June 4th, Blackhawk Winey & Heather’s Flowers will present SUMMER KICK OFF, a free event, in the Barn picnic area with a free wine tasting, snacks and some live music.
The box office will be open for anyone wanting to purchase tickets or try out their seats before they buy. Tours of the recently refurbished lobby and dressing room areas will be given.
Holly Woody from WiseWood Farm will be offering some of their natural food products for sale.
The event will take place outside in the picnic area and will last from 3 to 6 pm.
All interested in attending should visit the Barn’s website at www.redbarntheatre.net or
call 765-659-1657 and leave their name and how many will be attending.
The “Cellar” will be open every Friday and Saturday as well as every “Opening Night” this summer and will exclusively feature wines from Blackhawk.
The Red Barn Summer Theatre has been entertaining the audiences of Frankfort and Central Indiana for 54 years.